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5 Most Common Birth Injury Cases In Miami

The birth of a child is supposed to be a joyful and exciting event. However, that joy can quickly become heartache and uncertainty if a birth injury occurs. In the United States, birth injuries happen to approximately 7 out of every 1,000 births.

Therefore, when a birth injury occurs, it’s essential to seek the help of a birth injury attorney who can provide assistance and support. In this blog post, we’ll explore the five most common birth injury cases in Miami that a birth injury attorney can help with.


1. Brachial Plexus Injury

Brachial Plexus injuries occur when the nerves that control movement and sensation in the arms are damaged during childbirth. This injury can happen when too much force is applied during delivery or if the baby’s shoulder becomes stuck in the birth canal. A birth injury attorney can help you understand the extent of the injury, determine the responsible party, and pursue compensation to cover medical expenses and ongoing care.

2. Asphyxia and Brain Damage


Asphyxia, or lack of oxygen to the brain, can occur during childbirth if complications such as umbilical cord prolapse or ruptured placenta occur. This can result in brain damage and a lifetime of physical and mental challenges for the infant. A birth injury attorney can assist you in identifying whether the injury resulted from medical malpractice and pursue legal action to obtain compensation.

3. Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral palsy is a group of disorders that affect movement and muscle tone caused by damage to the immature brain. The effects of cerebral palsy can have a profound impact on a child’s life. Treatment and therapy for this condition can be expensive and ongoing throughout their lifetime.

This is why it is important for families affected by cerebral palsy to get legal help from an experienced birth injury attorney who knows the laws in Florida surrounding birth injuries. A birth injury attorney will be able to represent families in legal proceedings and pursue claims for compensation that can pay for treatment and therapy as well as the child’s future needs while holding negligent medical professionals accountable.

4. Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy


Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy (HIE) is a birth injury that can occur when the baby’s brain doesn’t receive enough oxygen. This injury can lead to permanent brain damage and affect the child’s cognitive abilities, motor skills, and overall development. If HIE is caused by medical negligence, a birth injury attorney can help you navigate the legal landscape to cover medical expenses and ongoing care.

5. Skull Crush Injury

Skull Crush Injury is a traumatic event that can happen when excessive pressure is applied to the baby’s head during delivery. This can result in skull fractures, brain damage, and even death.

If not treated promptly, it can cause long-term complications such as developmental delays and seizures. Hiring a birth injury attorney can assist you in identifying who is at fault, pursuing legal action, and obtaining compensation to cover medical bills and ongoing treatment costs.

Cases A Birth Injury Attorney Can Help With

In Miami, birth injuries are unfortunately more common than we would like. However, if your infant has suffered a birth injury, know that resources can help you through this difficult time.

A birth injury attorney can help you understand your legal options and pursue compensation to cover ongoing care costs. We hope this blog post has helped you know Miami’s most common birth injury cases and how a birth injury attorney can help.