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7 Nutrition Mistakes to Avoid When Trying to Gain Muscle

Losing weight and gaining muscle are the two most often talked about things gym related. Of course, they are also closely connected, unless you just want to gain muscle and focus solely on that. On the other hand, in order to actually get there and have muscles you have always dreamt about, there are certain rules you need to follow. Namely, most people focus on just one thing and completely forget other equally important aspects. Those mistakes can be pretty costly, and that is why we will focus more on them now.


Supplements aren’t everything


One of the most common things you might hear regarding gaining muscles is that the fastest way to get to the desired goal is with supplements. Now, there is nothing wrong with this, as yes, supplements can really be of much help in gaining muscles, but most people forget that they are not any kind of a replacement for food. Yes, many people overlook one crucial fact, exercising is great, and taking supplements will help too, but being on a proper diet is also of vast importance. Namely, only when these three criteria are met can you expect the best results, as otherwise, it will become a time-consuming and even tiresome job.

That is why the best way to avoid such situations is to focus on food as well, as we are what we eat, and you should look at supplements as a way to speed up this entire process. Of course, it’s also about the type and quality of the supplements, as what you want here is the most quality products on the market. We agree that some offers that might pop up online sound pretty tempting, but the best and safest way to find the type of supplement that will help you gain muscle is by doing a bit of research. On the other hand, if you don’t have enough time or don’t know how to do so, check this website and get all the info you seek, along with some exercise tips.

Not having a nutrition plan

There are some rules that apply to everyone regarding exercising and gaining muscle, but since we all differ, so should our pre and post-workout routine, especially nutrition-wise. Now, we all know that exercising on a regular basis is the only way to achieve these goals, and yes, taking supplements would help reach them much faster, but what, and more importantly, when we eat can be a determinative factor over whether we will succeed faster or not. Since nutrition is so significant, before you start working out, make sure to consult a nutritionist, as they will help you create an efficient and healthy nutrition plan.

Avoiding carbs


The common misconception about carbohydrates, or as they are more popular, “carbs,” is that they are bad for our bodies, and we should avoid them in our diet. Well, the truth is a little different as they represent a great fuel for our muscles during hard workouts and help them grow. The main reason for this misconception is popular diets that promote fast weight loss which are more than popular on social media and global networks. Regarding that, they are great for people who want to gain muscles, but of course, it is never a good idea to focus the diet only on them. Doing so will actually do more harm than good, just like any other over-excessive use of any product or type of food. The carbs can do wonders and really help gain muscle, but only in combination with other healthy nutrition for muscle growth.

Not drinking enough water

We are all aware that water is the most important nutrient that our bodies need for normal functioning, but many of us forget how important it is to increase its consumption during intense workouts. The reason for it is simple, during exercise, we can lose more than a liter in only 30 minutes by sweating. In order to achieve proper hydration in our bodies, we need to replace all the water we have lost, and because of that, it is crucial to drink enough of it before, during, and after exercising. Dehydration will negatively affect our whole body, and no matter how hard we try, we will not be able to gain any muscle mass.

Eating fast food

Fast food is tasteful, easy to eat while on the go, and full of fat, carbs, and calories, but it is not the best choice even if we try to gain muscle mass. It is almost certain we will gain weight by eating a lot of fast food, but it does not necessarily mean we will convert the fat we have gained into muscles. The reason for that is not the calories, carbs, or fat it contains, but many chemicals such as processed sugars, saturated fats, and a huge amount of sodium. Because of that, it is better to avoid fast food whenever possible, or you can easily end up with a few extra pounds instead of a breathtaking body with perfectly sculpted muscles.


Drinking alcohol

It can be pretty challenging to resist the urge to drink a few beers after a busy week while relaxing with friends, but it is crucial to have self-control and avoid any alcoholic drink if you try to gain muscle mass. Alcohol negatively affects the process of muscle repair after intense training and reduces the process of building it and gaining mass. Of course, drinking one beer will not cause any damage, as it can be a great way to relax after a heavy workout, but drinking more will cause the opposite effect making the muscle-building process much slower.

Neglecting the importance of protein

Protein is important for gaining muscles, but it is crucial to be careful and eat only the healthy food that contains enough of it. The protein should be taken from whole food sources, such as red meat, poultry, and also eggs, and dairy products, which is suitable even for vegetarians. The diet for gaining muscles should contain protein every day, and the amount we need to intake is calculated by a simple formula of 1g per pound, with an option to increase it to 1,5g if necessary.