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Symptoms Of Breast Cancer

Breast cancer begins when there is an uncontrollable growth of breast cells or mutations caused within them, this creates a mass in the breast tissue, also referred to as a  tumor. Much like other cancers, breast cancer can grow and move to other parts of the body and create new tumors; when this occurs, it Is called metastasis.

Breast cancer is widespread, and it comes in second after lung cancer is the cause of women’s death between the ages of thirty-five to fifty-four.


Early Signs Of Breast Cancer:


Breast cancer symptoms may not be the same for everyone; some of the prominent signs may include the following:

  • A change in the size and structure of either of your breasts.
  • Any discharge passing out of your breasts could likely be blood.
  • In addition, you may detect a lump or swelling in either of your armpits.
  • You may find some dimpling on the skin of your breasts
  • A rash surrounds your breast.
  • The overall appearance of your nipples may change; they may look sunken within your breast.
  • An area that may feel different in shape or structure compared to any other area of your breast.
  • You may feel an area as hard as a marble under your skin on either of your breasts.
  • Irritation and itchiness on your breasts
  • Change of breast color
  • Increase in the size of the breast over a short period.
  • Nipple skin peeling or flaking off.
  • Redness or pitting of the breast skin.

Breast pain may not be a symptom of breast cancer. Many people may not notice any of these symptoms leading to breast cancer, so it is important to get mammograms done regularly. You can also undergo a genetic test for breast cancer if you have a family history.

Self-examining your breasts:


Not all breasts have a typical way to be; what may feel normal for you doesn’t necessarily be normal for others. For example, many women complain about lumpy or uneven breasts. However, not all changes in your breasts are symptoms of breast cancer. These changes can happen due to several other reasons, including your period cycle, gaining and losing weight, and having an effect on certain medications. In addition, your breast structure may change as you get old.

Reasons for lumpy breasts:


Any underlying conditions may be causing lumps in your breasts, which could be because of other medical conditions known as fibrocystic breasts and cysts. Fibrocystic diseases cause many changes in your breast that are non-cancerous; this may cause the breast to be lumpy, tender, and sore. Cysts are tiny sacs filled with fluids that may develop in the breasts.


Breast cancer should be examined through mammograms regularly as its symptoms aren’t necessarily detected beforehand; however, if you detect any changes in your breast, you may make up an appointment with your physician for a thorough breast cancer test. If detected, you may have to continue to follow up with your doctor to manage your disease and discuss all treatment options in detail. In addition, your doctor may guide you regarding the pros and cons of all treatment options and which may be the best for you.