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How Mompreneurs Balance Business and Family

Online business has opened up new opportunities for parents and working from home is just the beginning.

Mompreneurs start their own companies, decide their own hours, and pay themselves what they deserve. The best part is that they get to spend that extra time at home with their families, being the moms they want to be. This is especially true to new moms who need to attend to babies and toddlers but cannot sacrifice their source of income.

Starting your own business isn’t easy. The marketplace is competitive and there is always paperwork and red tape to get through. Not to mention the amount of competition, given that almost everything can now be found on the internet. How are you going to start the business? What products are you going to offer? These are the questions you have in mind before venturing on online business.

However, I guarantee you it’s not as hard as the job you already have as a mom!


Can You Have It All as a Mompreneur?


Working for yourself has benefits above and beyond the ability to set your work schedule and take a day off when your child is sick. Being a business owner’s one main advantage is you have the time to yourself. You decide when to start and when to call it a day, you can plan your business flow as you want it and make sure you earn profit as well.

As a Mompreneur, your income is not limited.

You might start on a small budget, and your first months might not bring in a lot of cash, especially if you are just starting to build a presence online and find your customers. If you get discouraged by that, remember that, unlike a full or part-time job, the potential for your business is unlimited.

In your first month, you might make $100.

Six months later, you could be making $10,000 a month.

If you are looking for ways on how to manage your personal and business finances, you can always get consultation from financial experts and you can find one here.

Starting a business is challenging, but it’s worth it because you can grow something truly valuable that will pay you much more than you could make at a desk for hourly wages. Think about what that additional income could do for your family in terms of safety, childcare, education, vacations, and opportunities.

When you are running your own business, you are in control. That doesn’t mean it will always be easy, but it means that you have a better shot at “having it all”, because you get to decide how your time and money are spent.

What Does a Mompreneur Do?


There are as many kinds of Mompreneurs as there are types of businesses.

If you imagine a woman in a corporate suit on zoom calls – well, that is just one kind of businesswoman.

Mompreneurs are hairstylists, massage therapists, cooks, writers, artists, web developers, programmers, social media managers, virtual assistants, event organizers, musicians, makeup artists, yoga teachers, English teachers, lawyers, and coaches.

Many Mompreneurs turn their passion for parenting into a business that supports their family.

For example, when Alyssa Kerbel was looking for clothes for her new baby, she couldn’t find anything ethically made in neutral colors. Instead of just accepting defeat, she started her own business making baby clothes! Today mini mioche is a boutique kids’ clothing brand with a brick-and-mortar store in Toronto.

The most important ingredient for Mompreneurs is passion. It takes a lot of energy to start a business while raising a family. It helps when you truly love and believe in what you do.

Nura Afia is a fashion and beauty YouTuber, who regularly features her daughter Laila in her videos. Nura turned her love of beauty into a career as an influencer by creating makeup tutorials that helped people. Currently, she has more than 200,000 subscribers on YouTube, and in 2016 she was made the first hijab-wearing CoverGirl.

How Do You Find Time and Energy?


Mompreneurs know that to start a business while caring for your family, you need to take care of yourself, first.

Getting enough sleep, eating healthy food, daily exercise, and building a healthy social life are all fuels that can give you energy and support you in life and business. Make time for yourself but don’t forget to make time with loved ones and friends too, they can help you destress and recharge you for the next challenges.

It might seem impossible to make time and space for these extra things, but remember that even a small amount of time set aside for exercise or meditation can be energizing rather than draining. For example, time for payments and invoices making can be shortened with the help of Zintego.
An extra hour or two of sleep can help you function much better and be efficient all day.

And always remember that as your business grows, you will be able to pay for more help.

Initially, that might come in the form of daily help for your household – babysitters, day-care, and take-out – but eventually you will be able to hire virtual assistants and other employees to make your life easier and take over the tasks you don’t like doing.

Finding Support as a Mompreneur

If you are considering starting your own business as a Mompreneur, a great first step is to find a community with other moms who are doing the same thing.

Even if their businesses are very different from yours, words of encouragement, social media boosts, and shared victories can help propel your success. There are a lot of sites on the internet that make it easy to connect with other moms and share your stories and experiences.

It’s not easy starting your own business, but with the costs of daycare skyrocketing and wages falling just as fast, it can be just as hard to work a 9-5 job, even remotely. If you want long-term freedom and financial stability for your family, becoming a Mompreneur might be for you.